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Wednesday, 9 June 2010

The 2006 Challenge, day 8: Tomintoul to Cock Bridge Inn

By next morning the rain had cleared, and it was a lovely fresh day as I headed out of Tomintoul and south along the river Avon. My route card said that I would take the path up Burn of Little Fergie and over The Eag ... but when I got there and looked at it, I decided that Wainwright had been right! Don't lose height unnecessarily ... means don't gain height that you'll only have to lose again! So I carried on as far as Inchrory, then took the track past Lagganauld and Inchmore.

Somewhere along the River Avon, I finally got an opportunity to put that wonderful multi-tool I acquired on my first Challenge to good use. Not for my own purposes, you understand. But for a cyclist I encountered who was having problems with a loose chain. He wanted to remove a link, and needed a suitable tool. I was sure that there must be something suitable somewhere in my multi-tool, so I offered him the use of it and it seemed to do the trick!

I don't really recall much else about this day, save that it's a bloody stiff climb from Cock Bridge to the Cock Bridge Inn, and that much beer was consumed upon arrival!

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