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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The 2013 Challenge - Prequel

This year, rather than travel to my Challenge start point by train, Mrs B and I came up to Scotland in the camper van. We distributed my resupply parcels, then headed West for a week's holiday before I start walking. We are staying on a very pleasant camp site between Arisaig and Morar called Camusdarrach, which has Wi-fi (enabling me to make this blog entry!) and it hasn't quite rained every day so far. HOWEVER ... there is a problem. Driving through Morar, we noticed that the Morar hotel looks, well, not particularly open. Which could be just a teensy bit inconvenient, since that is where those of us who have chosen to start at Morar are supposed to be signing the register, starting in two days' time. Hmmmmm ... I have e-mailed John to let him know about this turn of events, and he is on the case. But it looks as though I might end up spending the last day of my holiday helping John to arrange an alternative sign-out point. The things we Challengers do!!!


  1. Hope it all goes to plan...good luck with your walk!


  2. Will you be writing this one up, J?

  3. I will indeed, Alan, just as soon as I get a few moments to spare.

    I've been a bit busy working on the old family history, though - trying to get the most out of my subscription to one of the pay-for-information sites before it expires (my subscription, that is ... not the site).

    If any readers of this blog know themselves to be descendants of Nebuchadnezzar Ashbie ... well, I'm your distant cousin!

  4. Now fully written up and awaiting your comments with interest.
