Woohoo! I've discovered how to add a few little tick boxes at the bottom of each post, to enable readers to record their reactions. Do please use them. I think I've identified the four most likely responses ...

Monday, 22 August 2011

Here we go again ...

According to the Challenge Message Board, the October edition of TGO (which contains that all-important entry form) is out now.

Time to go buy my copy and fill the form in.

I have a nice route planned already ... but I couldn't resist the urge to see if I can "improve" on it. Ho hum. It's not as if I don't have a nice stockpile of unused routes already ...


  1. You could rename your blog? "Six / Seven / Eight/ Routes Across Scotland..."

  2. I could, Alan.

    But if you go and take a peek at the very earliest posts, you'll seen that there's a very good reason why it's called Two Routes; and that it wouldn't quite work as Six / Seven / Eight routes ...
