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Friday, 9 March 2012

A nice little warm-up trip

I'm looking at the maps, and thinking of taking another little warm-up jaunt to the Highlands on the weekend of 17/18 March. I've arranged to take a half day on Friday, and the whole day off on Monday, so I can have two full days walking.

I was thinking of going from Spittal of Glenshee to the summmit of Glas Tulaichean and back on 17 March, and from Inverey on a circuit of Geal Charn, Carn Bhac, Carn Creagach and Creag an Lochain on 18 March.

Glas Tulaichean was, of course, the Munro which I had to drop from my itinerary in 2010 after having to take a half day out to go into Perth and replace my camera ... whilst Carn Bhac is a little Munro in the middle of nowhere which isn't particularly easy to work into a Challenge route.

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