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Monday, 3 March 2014

October Smash-and-Grab (3)

I had chosen my gear carefully for this expedition. I had taken the rucksack with the little "piggyback" daysack, so that I could pitch my tent and leave all my heavy overnight and cooking gear at the Camping Ground. All I took with me from there to the summit and back was my lunch, some water, and my waterproofs.

It is only a short distance from the Camping Ground to the Lairig Ghru path, and I turned onto this with eager anticipation. I had heard many tales of the Ghru from fellow Challengers, but have yet to attempt it myself (I am saving it for my 10th crossing). My route today, however, took me to the foot of the famous pass, where I turned right and followed the path up the Sron na Lairige.

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