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Friday, 25 April 2014

Easter in Drumochter (10)

It was a little after 4 when I pitched my tent. Too early for supper ... but I had been walking for 8 hours now, and I really had little appetite for doing anything like making a light ascent of the fourth Munro - Sgairneach Mhor. That was on tomorrow's schedule, and it could wait until tomorrow. I decided to have a nap instead ... but somehow I never woke, and I never did have my supper. But I did sleep very well.

I woke up on Easter Sunday to find that I was surrounded by a quite spectacular inversion. The valleys were full of cloud; but my camp site was above it all. I took a few photos (of which this is the best), ate some breakfast, then struck camp and prepared for a further day's Munro-bagging.

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