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Saturday, 26 April 2014

Easter in Drumochter (11)

I picked my way safely round the patchy snow fields on the lower south-west facing slopes of Sgairneach Mhor, and then made good progress across the rounded, turfy top until I reached this snow field (pictured) on the upper slopes of the north-facing corrie just short of the summit. To reach the summit cairn I was going to need to cross it. So out came the snow spikes again.

I doubt that the angle of the snow field was sufficient for there to be any real danger of a glissade - but I do not have the winter experience necessary to be confident of my judgment in such things, so I was not going to take any chances. I watched the aspect of the slope carefully, and took a slightly circuitous route designed to ensure that any glissade would end up on the easy grassy slopes, rather than taking me into the ever-steepening slopes of that corrie. I crossed the snow field without incident, and soon I was removing my spikes and striding across the turf towards the summit cairn.

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