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Friday, 25 April 2014

Easter in Drumochter (4)

The summit of Creagan Mor was soon reached ... but the snow on Geal Charn in the left background gave cause for concern. I had planned to follow the ridge line round Coire Beul an Sporain ... but as I headed south west from the summit of Creagan Mor it became all too obvious that the snow fields would make this route problematic. Instead, therefore, I dropped south and forded the Allt Beul an Sporain (taking the opportunity to refill my water bottles) then made my way up onto the north east ridge of Geal Charn. There is a Munroists' path on this ridge, coming up from Balsporran Cottages, and I met another walker on this path. We walked in company for a while; but I was holding him back and he had a big schedule for the day. His pace was faster than mine, and as I tried to stay with him I began to feel the effects of the old asthmatic complaint. So I sat and rested a while, and told him to press on. He said he'd check when he reached the summit, and if I hadn't moved he'd come back to check on me - which was very sweet of him. But I didn't want him to worry, so as soon as I was fit to continue I stood and made sure I was very visible as I continued with my ascent at my own pace.

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