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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The 2012 Challenge, Day 3: Oban to Loch Arkaig (2)

As I headed up the glen, it was obvious that the river was FAR less angry, and I began to entertain very real hopes that I would find it in a fordable state ... if only I could find a way through (or round) that massive lake which had blocked my path the day before. Everything felt right ... I was going to get through to Glen Pean today, so I took a "farewell" photo looking back down the glen towards Loch Morar and Oban bothy. I wouldn't be able to make Corrour with just a day and a half of walking time ... but I should be able to make Spean Bridge and that would be good enough! I could catch the sleeper there, return to Spean Bridge the following night, and I'd be a full 24 hours behind schedule but I felt sure I could find some way to get in touch with Challenge control. They'd been expecting a call from me on Sunday evening, and it was now Monday afternoon ...

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