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Monday, 28 May 2012

The 2012 Challenge: Getting to Lochailort (6)

As I retraced my steps, a rather impressive rainbow appeared, and I whisked out my camera to try to get a photograph before it disappeared again.

Having returned to the hotel, I enjoyed a very nice supper (local langoustines straight off the boat - the kind that you can only ever find in the inns close to where the fishing boats are based - followed by a rather fine venison curry) and had a drink or two at the bar. While I was still enjoying my drinks, however, a couple of local musicians began playing and, ever one to enjoy live music, I stayed and listened. And had a few more drinks. And bought some drinks for the musicians.

They wished to know whether I were a Jacobite. I assured them that I was, and proved my credentials by asking them to play "Roses of Prince Charlie" - which they did, rather well.

Eventually, however, all good things must come to an end and I knew I ought to get some sleep before starting my Challenge in the morning. So eventually I bade them all goodnight and headed up to bed.

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