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Monday, 30 May 2011

The 2011 Challenge, Day 1: Acharacle to Scamodale (1)

Friday 13 May 2011. After breakfast, I signed the Challenge register and began to walk. The cloud base looked higher then it had been the past couple of days, and I was hopeful that it would lift sufficiently to make Beinn Resipole a viable proposition.

As I walked by road towards Salen, Andy Howell and his companions caught up with me and we walked together a little way until they turned off into the woods. I wished them well, and carried on by road.

At Salen, beside Loch Sunart, there is a wonderful little stretch of woodland that they are trying to protect called the Salen Oakwoods. All of the woodland paths are circular, unfortunately, so you cannot use it as a parallel track to the road. But I spent a very pleasant half hour or so walking through the Oakwoods.

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