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Monday, 30 May 2011

The 2011 Challenge, Day 2: Scamodale to Glen Pean (1)

After breaking camp, I continued along the forestry track, and Loch Shiel continued to offer up spectacular views.

Eventually, I found myself at the Callop river, in the rain, and I crossed the bridge and followed the walkway to the visitor centre. As I did so I met two other challengers, who had started at Lochailort, coming the other way. They were evidently a little surprised to meet me!

At the visitor centre I stopped in hope of being able to get some lunch - a nice, hot bowl of soup would have been just the ticket. However, it's not always as easy as that when you're gluten-intolerant, and although they had soup to offer, it had flour in it and would have made me unwell. Not a good idea on the second day of the Challenge! To give them their due, however, they DID have a nice variety of gluten-free cakes made by a company called Lazy Day Foods, and these were really rather excellent. So I had two cans of Irn Bru, a slice of rich fruit cake, a slice of coffee cake, and a bag of crisps. I then bought two more slices of the rich fruit cake (which were suitably wrapped for the purpose) and stowed them in my rucksack for future occasions when my morale might need a bit of a lift.

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