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Sunday, 29 May 2011

The 2011 Challenge, Prologue: getting to the start (9)

We landed at Acharacle at lunchtime on Wednesday 11 May, and I wandered up into the village where I was greeted by the (somewhat incongruous, I thought) sight of a gardener in a kilt strimming the edges of the hotel gardens.

I had a day and a half before I could start, and Acharacle isn't actually on the coast. I always like to think that I've walked all the way across, so I struck out Westwards. I had at first thought that I would go to the camp site at Ardtoe; but somebody on the Challenge message board had given me the grid reference for a wonderful wild camping spot on the coast, and I decided to give that a try instead.

The beach I was heading for is known, locally, as the Singing Sands.

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