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Monday, 30 May 2011

The 2011 Challenge, Day 1: Acharacle to Scamodale (11)

Scamodale looks, on the map, as though it ought to offer a good camping pitch, but in fact it does not. Or rather, if it does, I failed to find it.

By the time I got there it was 9 pm, I had been walking for 12 hours (including stops) and all I wanted to do was get the tent up and get to sleep.

To make matters worse, it was raining, and the wind was getting up.

I ducked through some trees to the left of the track, just after the bridge, and made my way down to the shore line. There was what looked like a pitch at the edge of the shingly, gravelly beach. It wasn't completely flat, and the pegs didn't feel all that secure, but it would do. And it had its compensations - this photo was taken from right outside my tent the next morning.

The wind blew and the rain fell pretty much all night, and I slept fitfully: promising myself a better pitch for the following night.

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