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Monday, 30 May 2011

The 2011 Challenge, Day 2: Scamodale to Glen Pean (2)

After leaving the visitor centre, I turned up Glen Finnan and soon arrived at the famous viaduct. There was somebody waiting there with a camera, so I asked whether a train was due. He said it was imminent, so I asked if he knew what would be hauling it - mentioning that I'd seen both the Great Marquess and a Black 5 a couple of days previously.

He said that the steam service hadn't started yet, and that it was just going to be a 2-car or 4-car diesel unit. Now, I can see why one might wish to wait around to photograph a steam train passing over the viaduct: but a modern diesel multiple unit?? I took my photograph of the viaduct and carried on.

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