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Monday, 30 May 2011

The 2011 Challenge, Day 1: Acharacle to Scamodale (10)

Having followed the road to Polloch (pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable) I followed the forestry road towards Loch Shiel, then took the little cut-off path down to cut off the point at Ceanna Garbh. This photo was taken from near the top of that path.

What remained was a stretch of steady walking on a well-made and reasonably level track. Evening was steadily approaching, however, and at 7 pm I sat down at the side of the track with my stove and made supper. I was carrying a variety of dehydrated food and "Look What We Found" range ready dishes, and I chose to treat myself to two of the latter: a wild mushroom soup followed by venison casserole with rosemary and juniper berries. It was a very satisfying meal.

As I packed my stove away the rain began to fall again, and I put my waterproofs back on for the remaining trudge past Gorstanvorran to Scamodale.

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