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Sunday, 5 June 2011

The 2011 Challenge, Day 2: Scamodale to Glen Pean (3)

OK - so I seem to have worked out how to put more than one photo in a post ... but I'm not sure how many should be grouped together. I'll have a bit of an experiment and find out what looks best. At the moment it's taking me for ever to get the text and photos to work properly together ... and I'm still not managing to get it to do exactly what I want. Ho hum ...

Anyway, the track up Glen Finnan to Corryhully and a little way beyond is well made and easy walking - doubtless due to the construction of a new hydro-electricity generation facility on teh far side of the river. As I walked up the glen I was struck by the beauty of a little apple tree in blossom to the side of the path, and I took a couple of photos. If the beauty doesn't strike you, that is probably the fault of my photography. Please don't blame the tree!

I found a stack of old concrete railway sleepers by the side of the path, which doubtless were waiting for some re-cycled use in the construction scheme. For me, however, they were a perfect place to sit and have lunch; and since the sun came out briefly I stayed there for a while just enjoying the solitude and the river flowing by.

When I was ready to continue I walked on up to Corryhully bothy, where I ducked inside to record my passing in the bothy book. It had started to rain again by now, and it struck me that whilst there was a lot of usable firewood strewn around outside the bothy, it would all be getting wet. So I dragged a fair amount of it into the bothy and left it where it would begin to dry and so be of some use to the bothy's next users.

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