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Saturday, 25 June 2011

The 2011 Challenge, day 5: Laggan to Melgarve (2)

After the track petered out on the open hillside, the ascent became steeper and steeper, until a final really steep little ridge brought me up to the level peaty col - where I was almost immediately confronted with a smart new deer fence. I took a quick look up and down it, but it was pretty obvious that there were no crossing points and I should have to climb it.

It was not all that difficult to climb - although maybe I should have put some gloves on, as the wire gave me a little cut in the palm of my right hand - and once over it was simply a case of heading broadly SE through the col between Teanga Bheag and Meall a Chomhlain - both of which were easy enough to identify. It was a typical peaty col, and I had to pick my way through the hags, but before long I had found the Allt Teanga Bige and was following it down towards Glen Turret.

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