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Sunday, 3 July 2011

The 2011 Challenge, day 10: Tomintoul to Suie (4)

The track up Glen Livet crosses the river right at the very edge of the map; and according to the map, it does so at a ford. However, when I arrived there I was delighted to find that the crossing is actually effected by a very satisfactory bridge.

If the bridge is satisfactory, however, the weather most certainly wasn't. The wind was getting up, and the rain was falling steadily. I was in full waterproofs again, and was most grateful to have bought a waterproof Havelock (a peaked hat with a long fabric neck cover) which kept not only my spectacles but also my neck dry. I far preferred this to using the hood of my coat, since a hood restricts head and neck movement in a way that the Havelock does not.

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