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Sunday, 3 July 2011

The 2011 Challenge, day 9: Cairngorm Lodge to Tomintoul (6)

Beyond Dorback Lodge the road becomes a track. I followed this, admiring some rather impressive ruins (pictured) as I went. Just past Fae a path forks off to the left. I had been planning to stay on the track, ford the Burn of Brown and reach the road into Tomintoul at Kylnadrochit Lodge. However, as I reached the junction, I saw two walkers (presumed Challengers) on the path to the left and I decided on the spur of the momoment that I should go that way and try to catch them up. They had a lead of about half a kilometre on me, and I reckoned that it shoudln't take me too long to close them down.

How wrong I was, however: for they were making a cracking pace, and I never did catch up with them. Neither, it seems, were they even aware of the fact that I was there and trying to do so!

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