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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The 2011 Challenge, day 13: Alford to Inverurie (3)

From Pond Court, I climbed Northwards on the path up towards Black Hill. This is a lovely ascent up gorse-covered hillside on a clearly defined path (pictured).

When I got to the edge of the woods, however, things were not nearly so clear. I could not find any trace of the track towards Brochlach Hill. The path towards the summmit of Black Hill was evident, however, so I followed this; although it soon became less evident and I ended up on a set of Land Rover wheel tracks which crossed the heathery hillside a little to the East of the summit and spot height 433. When I found a better track I took a bearing, which confirmed that it was the track through the col between spot height 433 and Hermit Seat, and I quickly located the main path Eastwards which is the Gordon Way, and thus well-trodden.

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