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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The 2011 Challenge, day 14: Inverurie to Balmedie (9)

I was now barely a kilometre from the North Sea, but the route still had one delightful surprise to share with me, which was the track through the grounds of Balmedie House. To continue to walk through country like this right up to the coast really is a pleasure!

Beyond Balmedie House, I followed the road to the beach. It was 4.55 p.m. and I was bang on schedule. Just as I reached the road a car swept past, and I wondered whether this was my journalist from the Inverurie Herald's sister paper. There had been no passengers, just the driver - a middle-aged man.

I started to prepare myself for another interview, and tried to look suitably elated for a "finishing" photograph. I suspected we may and up taking five or six shots of that one!

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