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Sunday, 25 May 2014

The 2014 Challenge, day 1: Mulling It Over (4)

I walked past the famous coloured buildings of Tobermory harbour, and then at the foot of the steep road leading out of Tobermory I spied this! How could I POSSIBLY resist a brightly coloured shop called the Sugar Rush, with such delightful decorations on its external walls? I went straight in, and found it to be everything I had imagined. A good, traditional, old-fashioned sweet shop! They did not even bat an eyelid when I asked for "quarters" of sweets ... although I suspect that they actually served me with 100 gramses. Well, whatever. I had a quarter of rum balls and a quarter of jelly babies (what my mother always used to call "leg helpers" when we were little) and then started up that stiff old climb out of Tobermory.

Leaving Tobermory behind, I followed the B8073 Dervaig road; and I was soon tramping through wild and remote country with the Tobermory River off to my left.

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