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Monday, 26 May 2014

The 2014 Challenge, day 1: Mulling It Over (7)

Beyond the woods, there were once again some nice views of Loch Frisa off to my left; but the path as promised by the map soon became indistinct, then utterly indiscernible. I met a couple walking in the opposite direction, who said that they had just followed the landforms up after the standing stones; and it seemed to me pretty clear that I ought to be doing much the same and just following the valley down to the edge of the next woods. The ground underfoot was rough, tussocky and sodden; but I made my way down.

The standing stones are evidently quite a significant feature of this part of Mull; but in seeking to follow the path line shown on the map I bypassed them altogether. And this is a shame because, when you get to Tenga, they are well signed and there is a made-up track (which does not appear on the maps) to take you to them. I could have made better progress had I found this track! Never mind, though: I reached Tenga, and then the road, where I sat down and changed my sodden socks.

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