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Monday, 26 May 2014

The 2014 Challenge, day 1: Mulling It Over (9)

The last little bit of road walking was on the main road - the A848 - but this is still a single track road with passing places, despite its A number. The road hugs the shore, and gives some lovely views, such as this one across the mouth of the Aros River to the ruins of Aros Castle.

I arrived at the Salen Hotel in good time to settle in and have a relaxing bath before dinner. I thought the hotel was probably where my wife (although she was only, at the time, my finacee) and I had stayed on Mull when we took our first island-hopping holiday off the West Coast in 1988; however, they searched out the guest books going back to 1988 for me and there was no entry that I had made. I do not believe that I should have omitted to make an entry in their guest book, so I guess we must have stayed some place else. It is difficult to think where, however.

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