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Saturday, 31 May 2014

The 2014 Challenge, day 4: One Munro but no Mamore (8)

It was perfect ascent weather. Still, calm, no rain, but not too hot. I made steady progress up the north ridge of Meall a' Chaorainn, and as I did so the views which opened up to my right, over Lochan Lunn Da Bhra (with its crannog at the far end, where King Macbeth is reputed to have lived) towards Loch Linnhe were truly spectacular. There were, however, some pretty imposing looking rock faces which I would have to deal with higher up the mountain which might call for a bit of scrambling. So I took it steadily, conserving my water, and before I reached the steeper upper slopes I paused to take half a bar of Kendal Mint Cake. Only, somehow, after eating half a bar, I just kinda ate the second half, too. Well, you know how it is ... you need energy for ascent, right?

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