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Saturday, 31 May 2014

The 2014 Challenge, day 5: Down (but not out) to Kinlochleven (1)

It rained in the night. The wind blew. And at 3,000 feet, it was cold. I was glad of my new down sleeping bag, that's for sure!

I woke early, and took another good look at Stob Ban. The snow was still there. The certainty that I could not get up it to continue along the Mamores ridge persisted. If I was going to get to Kinlochleven, I was going to have to return the way I had come, and then spend most of the day on the West Highland Way. I was disappointed - but I had no choice. And despite the disappointment, I had had a spectacular day the day before, and the most stunning high level camp. So I wasn't too downcast.

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