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Monday, 14 November 2016

The 2016 Challenge, day 11: Once More Into the Hills (1)

Today was a big day for me - my first day solo in the hills (as opposed to the glens!) since the glissade. I was anxious, of course I was ... but I had chosen some good round-top hills. There were no scrambles, no spiky bits, and nothing that ought to be able to trigger any more panic attacks. I had slept well, no more disturbing dreams, so all seemed well. I had some Ambronite for breakfast, and was away from the Youth Hostel by 8.30.

As I headed out of Braemar, I observed the cloud formation up ahead of me and thought of Dennis Frederick Oswald Doyle, my top class junior school teacher (we used to call him "Dodd"; and he was still alive and in his 90s the last I heard) who had taught us weather studies from his RAF meteorology manual. There was a classis cumulus cloud, with its tower (which could be the breeding ground of many a hailstone), apt to be pulled into a distinctive "anvil" by any passing high-level wind. And, indeed, its "rabbit's head" appearance suggested that this might be happening right now!

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