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Monday, 14 November 2016

The 2016 Challenge, day 11: Once More Into the Hills (15)

As I descended from Cairn of Claise towards Glas Maol, I encountered the two hillwalkers who could not possibly, according to Colin Crawford, be fellow Challengers ... and they were fellow Challengers! They explained their erratic zig-sagging as the results of an effort to follow a path on the ground, which had seemed to give out, and then they thought they saw a better path off to the side and so headed for it, only to find it wasn't really a path after all, and then ...

Well, I sympathized. We've all done that on an uphill stretch, have we not? In descent, with the advantage of height, you can usually look along the rival path lines and be sure which appears to be the best. But uphill it's a different matter altogether.

We exchanged a few pleasantries, and then carried on in our different directions.

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