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Wednesday, 16 November 2016

The 2016 Challenge, day 12: Over to Clova (10)

Half way down, I caught up with Rob. Now Rob is a really interesting character. This was only his second Challenge, but his first was all the way back in 1991! Try not to leave it another quarter of a century before doing your third, won't you Rob? I don't think you'll be able to sustain that pace for very long!

Anyway, Rob was sitting by the path, enjoying the sunshine, and taking the opportunity to dry off his kit. It was all spread out around him, and it included ... A WET SUIT!!!

Now this was very definitely a first for me. Most of us carry waterproofs, Rob, not wet suits ... but Rob explained to me that he carried this with him so that he could go for a swim in every suitable river and loch that he encountered on his way across.

I was impressed! I mean ... who wouldn't be?

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