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Sunday, 3 June 2012

The 2012 Challenge, Day 11: Braemar to Shielin of Mark (11)

My navigation was absolutely spot on, and as I reached the little gully through which the headwaters of the Water of Mark flow, I saw the roof of the bothy directly ahead of me. I picked my way down the slope and came round to the front door, and went in.

Jim was already there, of course ... but so was another Challenger: John Hutcheson (or "Big John" to his friends). They had already taken the two main sleeping shelves, and I reckoned that I would probably be just as well off in my tent so I pitched outside. Then I went into the bothy and cooked my supper.

After supper, the whisky came out. I produced my flask of Caol Isla, and Big John produced a Sigg water bottle full of a Speyside malt. Aberlour, if memory serves me correctly. The evening passed quickly in mirth and merriment; and then I retired to my tent and slept soundly all night through.

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