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Sunday, 3 June 2012

The 2012 Challenge, Day 9: Right Up Yer Tilt (2)

As I pressed on up Glen Tilt, the beeches gave way to pine trees, and then the pine trees came to an end and I was walking through open countryside. The shooting form the rifle range faded into the background and soon I was out of earshot altogether (although probably not out of rifle shot ...). A remarkable number of cars came and went, as the various cottages up the glen all appear to be let as holiday cottages or actively occupied by estate workers. I saw nothing boarded up and out of use. The sun was shining brightly, and for the first time this crossing I wasn't even wearing my fleece. And though I was anxious to get to the Geldie today, I wasn't pushing myself too hard to have time to sit in the sunshine and just enjoy the sense of place, and of being.

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