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Monday, 4 June 2012

The 2012 Challenge, Day 13: Tarfside to Fettercairn (7)

I entered Fettercairn through the arch, built to commemorate a visit by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. They had come from Balmoral, riding ponies to Mount Keen and then crossing Mount Keen on foot. They then took a carriage down Glen Esk to Fettercairn, where they stayed the night without letting their true identities be revealed. The following day they returned to Balmoral. Even with the assistance of ponies and carriages, that was quite an impressive two days' journey!

There is not a whole deal to see in Fettercairn, other than the arch, the meerkat cross and the distillery. However, there is a cafe which goes by the imaginative name of The Arch Cafe, and I went in there and enjoyed a long, lazy root beer before heading back to check in to the Ramsay Arms Hotel.

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