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Saturday, 2 June 2012

The 2012 Challenge, Day 8: Down Glen Errochty (5)

My planned overnight stop was at Old Struan. There is a beautiful wild pitch which I have spotted in the past, on the banks of the Garry behind Old Struan kirk; and from there you can follow a path which does not appear on the map along the banks of the Garry and back to the road just before the bridges. However, it seemed a bit early in the day to be stopping, and I was not sure how long I would need to get up the Tilt and down to Braemar. I was sure it could be done in two days - but how long would those days have to be? I therefore decided it would make sense to shorten the days if possible. I had plenty of afternoon left, so I decided to press on to Blair and take a pitch on the castle camp site. That would certainly help. So I changed into my walking sandals, had a jolly good glug, and then resumed walking. I soon came to the unusual arrangement of bridges between Struan and Calvine, shown in the photo, where the road bridge over the Garry is, in turn, crossed by the railway bridge over the Garry.

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