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Saturday, 2 June 2012

The 2012 Challenge, Day 8: Down Glen Errochty (2)

I left the Dunalastair at 10 ... and already the sky was overcast. It was destined to remain so for the rest of the day, although at least it didn't dump a whole load of precipitation on me. Although the day's walking was all roads (or practically all roads) I decided to walk in boots again, because my feet were a little sore in places. No blisters, just a little sore - but I figured it was probably a good idea to change the pressure points. And that meant boots.

The views to Schiehallion were excellent, as they always are as you leave Kinloch Rannoch. The big mountain had a bit of snow at the top. That didn't surprise me. Most mountains over 800 metres or so had a bit of snow at the top this year. I was supposed to have done a whole load of them by now, but I hadn't done any; and the need to make up lost time meant that I was going to leave out all of my planned mountains between here and Braemar. That just left me with Lochnagar. And I very much doubted that I would find Lochnagar free of snow - although I could always take further advice on that when I reached Braemar.

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