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Sunday, 3 June 2012

The 2012 Challenge, Day 9: Right Up Yer Tilt (6)

A few hundred metres above Falls of Tarf, the Allt a' Ghlinne Mhoir makes its presence known. In 2010 I had forked right here and followed the path up to Fealar Lodge. Today I stayed on the path up the Allt Garbh Bhuidhe to the upper reaches of Glen Tilt.


  1. In view of your concerns about fording the Geldie maybe it would have been better to go via Fealar Lodge and Glen Ey; better the devil etc!

  2. Peter - yes, that would certainly have been an option. However, I HAD discussed with Challenge Control the possibility that the Geldie might be unfordable; and in that eventuality my plan was to retreat to Bynack Lodge, cross the Allt an t-Seilich, ascend Buachaille Breige, and descend to Inverey on the track down the Allt Cristie Beag. Having come and done some preparatory walking in these hills in March, I was entirely comfortable that this was a viable alternative route.
