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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The 2015 Challenge, post script (5)

Where better, then, to end this account of my 2015 Challenge, than a photo which Mr Sloman took of me with Mrs B at the Challenge dinner?

Looking back, it was a good Challenge. I set out to achieve seven things: a Torridon start, a High Level crossing, the boat crossing of Loch Ness, a traverse of the Monadhliath, the Lairig Ghru, the ridge walk from Morrone to An Socach, and a Lunan Bay finish. I didn't manage the Torridon start, or the High Level crossing, or the ridge from Morrone to An Socach. But I managed the other Four. And as for the rest? Well ... there'll always be other Challenges.


  1. Jeremy, a thoroughly good read, thank you for taking the time.

  2. And thank you, Louise, for taking the time to say so. As a fellow Chalenge blogger yourself, I'm sure you'll understand how much it means to have your efforts appreciated. (Ooops ... maybe I should post a few more comments to yours ... now, which one was it??)
