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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 1: Ardrishaig to Carron (5)

At the end of the woods, I stopped for a brief rest and a chat with another Challenger. It was about 4, and we were nearly at Carron, where I planned to stop for the night. He was hoping to press on to Furnace. That's the sort of thing I might have done in previous years. This year, however, modest daily mileages were the order of the day!

We followed the river until the bothy came into view. That's my fellow Challenger heading up the slope towards it. The couple sitting on the bench outside the bothy are not Challengers - they had walked in from Furnace and were heading on the other way.

At the bothy I removed my pack, and settled in for the evening. I enjoyed the last of the sun's rays and made myself supper, and we enjoyed a good fire before settling down for the night. All in all, a very pleasant first day of a Challenge.

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