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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 4: Dalmally to Loch Dochard (3)

I headed up Glen Strae, then turned onto the path up the Allt Dhoirrean. This "path" is evidence that somebody at the Ordnance Survey has a rather twisted sense of humour. In the lower reaches of the valley there is a vaguely discernible track; but as one heads up towards the Lairig Dhoireann there is little if anything to say "walk this way". It is just a hillside, and a stream; and you point yourself at the lowest point of the skyline and walk towards it. Or at least, that's what I did ...

Towards the top it gets pretty steep. But this was day 4 and I was getting well walked-in by now. I had my lunch somewhere near the top, and pressed on.

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