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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 3: Inveraray to Dalmally (4)

Beyond the Shira dam, the track is very easy going - principally for the reason that it is following a leat in a covered culvert, and therefore follows the contours at a very easy gradient.

In the photo to the left, we are looking North West across the upper Allt an Stacain towards Cruach Mhor.

Soon after this, the track comes to an end, and it was then a matter of finding a way across the open hillside to the transmitter mast at Grid Reference 165230. Following the stream up through Grid Square 1521 is not really an option. It is evident from the map that this is likely to be very wet; and indeed it was. So I fought my way around to the Bealach nan Cabrach, and then climbed up to the transmitter.

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