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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 2: Carron to Inveraray (3)

There is a pub in Furnace; and this is where I planned to stop for lunch. But I arrived a little before noon, and they weren't yet open. So I sat and enjoyed the spot until they were, and then I ordered a pint of cider (beer no longer being on the menu, now that I know I am gluten-intolerant) and a gammon steak with chips. It was, as I recall a very fine gammon steak.

After finishing my meal, and having another pint or two (I cannot now recall the exact number) I decided it was time to leave. So I hefted my pack and headed for the door. However, on opening the door, I saw that it was hammering it down with rain outside. So I retreated back into the inn, took my pack off, put on all my waterproofs, hefted the pack once again, and stepped out into the ... sunshine!

As I headed out of Furnace along the shores of Loch Fyne, this was to be the order of the day. The rain would come on, I'd put my waterproofs on, so the rain would stop and the sun would come out. Too hot in waterproofs, I'd take them off, and the process would start over. 

Normal Challenge weather patterns, then ...

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