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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 6: King's House to Bridge of Gaur (4)

In a way, it's a shame that we needed to get to the station by 4, because it meant just walking straight on past this lovely looking beach at the North East end of Loch Laidon.

Then again, the day was overcast and dull, and it was never going to be an occasion for sunbathing. But all the same, passing beaches without exploring them goes right against my every instinct ...

... but if we were going to reach the station refreshment room in time, then needs must! We pressed on, and it was about here that my newest companion told us the story of how one year he came to leave his boots on Fort William station, and so had to start his Challenge without them! I'll not spoil another's story, though, so if you want to hear the details you'll just have to seek him out!

We arrived at the station with seven minutes to spare; and ice creams and drinks were purchased and enjoyed.

What followed was less enjoyable, however; for beyond Rannoch Station was 8km of unavoidable road work. We were all agreed that it was there. We were all agreed that it had to be done. So we just put our heads down and went for it.


  1. Over 20 years ago I camped on that beach whilst on a Challenge, there may be no quieter place in the Highlands!

  2. What time in the morning did the Inverness Sleeper come rattling through??

  3. You would be really hard pushed to hear the Inverness Sleeper on Rannoch Moor!

  4. Um ... good point. I tend to think of the whole train as the Inverness Sleeper - even the portion of it which goes to Fort William.
