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Wednesday, 17 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 11: Spittal of Glenshee to Mayar Burn (5)

At Dalvanie, I turned left up Glen Isla, whilst my companions turned away to the right. This is a wonderful, remote glen and I revelled in the solitude. I crossed the river at Fergus and followed the path past Craigmekie to Dalhally, where I stopped and ate my lunch by the Glencally Burn. Then I continued to the footbridge which would take me back to the West side of the River Isla, at Grid Reference NO 193704.

Here is a photo of that bridge.

I looked at it ... and I walked up to it and looked at it again ... and I even climbed the little flight of steps which take you up to the start of the bridge proper to get a really good look at the bridge decking. And then I came down again, because NO WAY was I going to attempt to cross that bridge!!

So I stayed on the West side of the River Isla, and followed it upstream for the two kilometres to the bridge by Tulchan Lodge. The going was not too bad at all, and I am not sure I should have been that much quicker on the track, had I managed to cross that bridge.

At Tulchan Lodge I drank my fill of fresh water from the River Isla, and refilled my water bottles before starting the ascent of Spying Hillock and Finalty Hill.

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