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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 1: Ardrishaig to Carron (3)

Sleeping in the sunshine is pleasant - but it doesn't get you to Montrose! So after a while, I hefted my pack again and continued on my way.

The track passes Knockalava and then turns North East, and I had been warned by my route vetter that in 2009 people had had difficulty with the final stretch of path from Grid Reference 928984 to the far edge of the woods. This was said to be all but impassable.

I had therefore planned on following the stream North to the edge of the woods, and then crossing the open hillside of A'Cruach; but this was not viable.Tthe planting to the left of the track was simply solid, and there was no way through, even at the streams. However, my vetter had helpfully added that some intrepid souls HAD found a way down beside the River Add; so this is what I decided to do. The track is shown on the map turning towards the river and finishing half way down; but in fact there is no difficulty making your way right down to the water's edge here, and this is what I did. I then turned upstream and followed the river bank, which is the view above.

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