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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 5: Loch Dochard to King's House (6)

My tent, pitched beside the stream at the farthest extremity of the "wild camping area".

The hotel makes it very clear that this is not an organised camp site; it has no facilities; and just because you've pitched a tent there doesn't mean you can use the hotel's facilities.

If you spend money in the bar, however, that's different of course! And as far as I could tell, most of the two dozen or so "wild campers" were spending liberally in the bar; including a rowdy party of French travellers from whom I learned the French rules for darts (insisting that they explain it all to me in French, naturally - if they won't let us practice our French when we're over there, then I'm not going to let them practice their English when they're over here, OK??) and enjoyed a couple or three games.

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