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Thursday, 18 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 12: Mayar Burn to Cortachy (8)

Cairn of Barns is another hill with an impressive summit cairn. But by the time I reached it, I was out of water and this spelled trouble!

I decided to continue on the ridge for as long as I could; but beyond Coremachy it becomes a vast expanse of heather, and the ridge is marked by a fence line which is difficult to follow in places due to vegetation and the re-emergence of heather's invariable partner: peat!

At Drumwhern I decided enough was enough, and turned right onto the Minister's Path. This clearly defined, grassy track took me gently down Glen Tairie and into Glenprosen Village; where I drank my fill and refilled my water bottles from the Burn of Inchmill, waved goodbye to the hills, and started the long road walk to Dykehead and Cortachy.

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