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Friday, 19 November 2010

Looking Forward to the 2011 Challenge

So that was 2010. With five successful crossings under my belt, I had now achieved the exalted status of demi-legend!

In due course, TGO magazine invited entries for the 2011 Challenge, and I submitted mine. The draw was held, and a letter came from Roger.

I had not been successful in the draw.

However, I was number 26 on the Standby List, which is a pretty good position. In 2009 I got in from number 60, after all, and quite a few with much higher numbers did too.

OK, so in 2010 the standby system changed. A greater number are now given places to begin with (330 rather than 300) and the shutter comes down on 1 April with no places being awarded off the standby list after that date ... the idea being that nobody has to make frantic last minute preparations, and the numbers sink towards the "normal" figure of 300 by virtue of late withdrawals.

Is 26 high enough to suppose that I will be there again in May? I think so ... and I am certainly planning on that assumption. The route is planned and I shall start booking accommodation and things (if 1 April comes and goes without the call from Roger, I can always cancel it all, after all!).

There is, you will appreciate, nothing REMOTELY obsessive about being a TGO Challenger ...


  1. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your account and I'm sure you'll make it off the stand-by list next year. I'll be attempting my first crossing and I'm really (over-)excited about it, reading all these accounts just makes me worse!
    Fingers crossed.

  2. Glad you found it inspirational, Louise, and that you're looking forward to your own first crossing.

    Two things you must always bear in mind about route vetters' comments:

    (1) They are only suggestions, not instructions; but

    (2) They are almost invariably right!

  3. A very enjoyable read and I find much of your last week, Glenshee to Glen Clove, is my route for next year. Planned before I read this of course.
    One comment: use spell check or auto correct as typos such as "teh" throughout successive chapters break ones concentration.

  4. Nah ... too many Gaelic place names for the computer to cope with.

    I go through and correct the typos as I find them; as for the rest, well, people have to take me as they find me, and they have to take my typing as they find it too.

  5. Jeremy .... enjoyed your blog. As I intemd to start from Ardrishaig next year. Read with interest your route to "Carron" on first day. At 26 on standby list you will have No problems, as you are well aware. Perhaps we will bump into each other again en-route .... failing that see you in Montrose. (Inshalla)
    Best regards
