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Sunday, 14 November 2010

The 2010 Challenge, day 4: Dalmally to Loch Dochard (5)

Eventually I reached the bealach, and the views were well worth it. This is looking North across Glen Kinglass. In the mid foreground is the Ellt Dhoireann falling away into the valley below. Across the valley is the prominent cleft of the Eas an Eich Bhain coming down the South shoulder of Beinn nan Aighenan (which is itself hidden in the cloud).

The map says that a path now descends beside the Allt Dhoireann to the floor of Glen Kinglass. The ground, however, says no such thing. It is simply a matter of finding your way down to the valley floor as best you can, using the deer tracks where possible to make it a little easier.

Eventually I came to the River Kinglass. It was wide and shallow, and I really couldn't see the need to head downstream for over a kilometre simply to reach a footbridge. It was fordable - so I forded; then, gaining the track on the far side of the river, I turned North East.

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