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Saturday, 13 November 2010

The 2009 Challenge, day 8: Corarnstilbeg to Ryvoan Bothy

Well, the idea HAD been to get to Glenmore Lodge on the Saturday, and take a day off (with perhaps a light ascent of Cairn Gorm just for the hell of it) before shuffling up to Ryvoan Bothy for the Sunday night. But I'd taken my day off already, so I had to make it to Ryvoan in a day, and no hanging about at Glenmore Lodge.

The walk down the Feshie to Feshiebridge was easy and very enjoyable. From Feshiebridge across Feshie Moor to Loch an Eileann equally so. I stopped briefly at Inshriach Bothy - noting some very positive comments in the bothy book from other Challengers who had passed this way in the past couple of days - but I wanted to get this day out of the way so I pressed on the the Cairngorm Club footbridge and then to Loch Morlich.

It was a day of easy walking on good tracks, which didn't take too much out of my feet. At Glenmore Lodge I did some laundry and had a bar meal, played some pool (badly) and had a pleasant evening before pushing on up to Ryvoan. Lochan Uaine was beautiful and cobalt blue in the late evening light; and I had Ryvoan Bothy to myself.

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