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Friday, 8 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 10: On to Braemar! (5)

At the Fife Arms I renewed my acquaintance with Biaggio the Italian. I had a drink. Or maybe I had more than one. I really can't remember. The sun was shining brightly and it was wonderful to be able to relax a bit. Then, remembering 2012, I went to the pharmacy and bought myself some suncream, before heading up to the Youth Hostel a little after 4 (no point going before then, as it would not be open).

I collected my resupply parcel and settled myself in. I rang Cortachy House and booked a room and an evening meal for Tuesday, then texted my route revisions through to Challenge Control and got all my laundry done. There was a stack of free food left by a retiring Challenger, specifically for other Challengers. So I had a double ration of "Look What We Found" chilli (but no rice, alas!) and took myself a miniature of bramble liqueur with which to celebrate at the finish, replacing them with a few of my own surplus food items. I then went down to the Fife Arms for some evening drinks and to see who was about.

At the Fife Arms I got talking with the Germans. They were really nice people, but worried about the fact that one of them was getting badly blistered. They were planning on tackling Mount Keen; but I suggested that if they had somebody with badly blistered feet they might struggle with this. I suggested they consider Spittal of Glenmuick / Shielin of Mark instead. They said they would probably take this advice.

Having had a very pleasant evening (and a few drinks ... I really cannot recall how many) I headed back to the Youth Hostel and slept very well.

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